Estimation – Compétences


Pierre de SOUZY et Pierre-Edouard de SOUZY are members of the
Syndicat National des Antiquaires (SNA)

Pierre-Edouard de SOUZY is a registered expert at the
Chambre Européenne des Experts-Conseil en Œuvres d’Art (C.E.C.O.A.)




If you are seeking to sell, request an estimate or purchase a painting, don’t hesitate to contact us

Free estimates

If you wish to contact us to obtain information about authenticating, valuing, pricing, or any other artistic or commercial matter relating to the work in your possession (painting, sculpture or objet d’art), send us an email or letter with your details, including where possible the name of the artist, the dimensions of the work, and one or more photographs. We will respond as soon as possible. This service is wholly free of charge.


Purchases are made in cash and incur no additional fees on the part of the seller. Payment certified immediately. Confidentiality guaranteed.


If you wish to obtain a written document with an official value, often required in the context of insurance valuation, inheritance, inventory, or division, we can also provide expert assessments of paintings or objets d’art. This service incurs a fee.


Our painting restorations are undertaken by an expert restorer certified by the bodies Monuments Historiques and Musées de France. Quotations on request.